Friday, January 30, 2009

Feed the Birds

Genre: Disney
Artist: Music and Lyrics by Robert B. and Richard M. Sherman
Album: Mary Poppins

Why would I choose such a random song to be ranked among my favorites? Good question. I've enjoyed this song for as long as I can remember. "Early each day to the steps of St. Paul, the little old bird woman comes." Early each day Mr. Banks, the head of the household in the move "Mary Poppins" passes St. Paul on his way to the bank, but he never notices the bird woman until his children point her out to him.

"All around the cathedral, the saints and apostles...are smiling each time someone shows that he cares." It is so simple to spare a tuppence to buy a bag of crumbs to feed the birds with. A tuppence is the equivelent of two cents. Anybody can spare that amount. And yet she is passed by. People are too caught up in their daily lives to pay attention to this woman, or any other person who is in need. As I listen to this song, I wonder if I would notice that old bird woman, or if I am too caught up in my own "important matters" to regard anybody who needs my help.

"Though her words are simple and few, listen. Listen! She's calling to you!" How many people are calling to me that I pass by? How many people are in need, but I am too focused on myself and my own selfish needs to give them notice? This song reminds me that during my busy life I need to take time for the simple things and never let an opportunity to pass by where I can help somebody.