Sunday, April 19, 2009

At the End of the Day

Genre: Progressive Rock
Artist: Spock's Beard
Album: V

This is probably my favorite song by Spock's Beard. The musical introduction to it is beautiful. It is very calm but then as instruments are added to it, the tempo picks up. But it is very upbeat and happy. Finally, after a great introduction, Neal begins to sing. Combined with the beautiful music are the beautiful lyrics.

The song basically talks about how difficult life can be, comparing life to one day. During our lifetimes, we encounter struggles, heartache, loneliness, and disappointment. "You walk a lonely line" "You literally curse each day," "You feel like you're all alone." But the message of the song is that "At the end of the day, you'll be fine . . . You'll know what this was for . . . You won't feel any pain . . . You'll be feeling right as rain as the veil reveals it all." The message, basically, is that life is full of challenges. But at the end of our lives, we'll understand the purpose of the suffering and it will all come to an end. "Say goodbye to the world that you know . . . You'll be dreaming as you fly away."

This song always puts me in a good mood. It reminds me that no matter how hard my life is right now, soon all the suffering will be ended. When I am having a hard time, I just need to remind myself that one day I will see the reason for it. There are times when I feel completely alone, but that feeling doesn't have to last forever.

One of the great things about the last couple albums that Neal did with Spock's Beard is that they contain hidden spiritual messages. Eventually, Neal left Spock's Beard to be open and clear about what he was trying to teach. But At the End of the Day is a great example of a song where Neal tries to give hope to the listener. The powerful message, coupled with the beautiful music, makes this song a masterpiece.