Artist: Music and Lyrics by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman
Album: The Little Mermaid soundtrack
This song takes me back to my mission days when I was in my last area, Cachoeira Paulista (no, I don't expect any of my American friends and family to pronounce that right). My good friend Adriane loves this song and we would sing it sometimes as we walked to different houses to teach. Adriane would often accompany Elder Guerreiro and I. It was the best when all three of us would sing together. I usually had to teach Elder Guerreiro and Adriane the lyrics in English. I remember one night when nobody was in the streets and we walked around a good part of the city singing to ourselves until we found somebody to teach. What fond memories!
Anybody who knows me knows that I like to dream, just like Ariel. However, it is important to keep in mind that the worlds we imagine are not always what we dream them to be. For example, here out of the sea, people actually do reprimend their daughters. Ariel would have lost that bet. There are worlds I would love to be a part of: Brazil, Nauvoo, the British Isles, and even the Holy Land. And yet these worlds I long to be a part of aren't always physical. Sometimes I want to be part of someone else's world in a figurative sense. I want to be more connected, more united. And so I shall go on dreaming, for in the world I am a part of, dreams come true.